Fingal Ross
2 min readJul 31, 2018


Hey Darren,

I love how you always seem to have the knack to hit the point at exactly the right time, every time.

I have been a long time follower of your podcasts and they have helped me in more ways than one, interestingly a few years ago when I was having a ‘mid-mid life crisis’ you popped up in my life.

From then on I have been continually inspired by your weekly tips, tricks and suggestions every morning as I drive to work.

Enter the mid life crisis no.2!

In a few months time I will be taking off on a new adventure to live as a digital nomad with my partner in Asia for 5–6 months, then heading to Europe to live and pursue my/our dreams. This was a decision that took me a long time to make as I have a ‘secure’ job that I have been in for the past 6 years, created great friends, connected with people that could help me in my future career. But at some point I had to ask myself if I stayed here, would I be happy?

And after much soul searching I decided that I would not be happy if the possibility of a future doing what I love was not at the very least explored. The alternative was doing the same job, which quite frankly has become dull and monotonous, and waiting for others to provide opportunities for me.

Sometimes you just have to take the leap and do what your heart is telling you, and not your head (even though the thought of not knowing is pretty scary).

I found a spark and am acting on it. Thanks Darren x



Fingal Ross

Blogger, creative writer and photographer taking note of all the little things that often escape us in life.